Raised in Hawaii, Dawn Akemi lived in Washington DC, Seattle, and Minneapolis before settling in Los Angeles. Her career path includes Certified Public Accountant, Sales, Chef, Artist, and, most beloved, Acting. She has been acting for over a decade on stages in Minneapolis and L.A., including The Cast, The Interact Theater, The Raven Playhouse, and Art/Works Theatre, with experience ranging from experimental and physical to classical and comedy.
Her film credits include Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God. Dawn is a big believer in ongoing actor training and has studied Meisner, Method, Improvisation, Grotowski, Chekhov, Suzuki, Viewpoints, Voice, Movement and Dance. When Dawn is not ardently pursuing craft and career, she loves to cook, design jewelry, and knit.
You can view more pics as well as Dawn's resume at
actorsaccess.com/DawnAkemi. She's also listed on

Currently, Dawn plays the lead in a short film showing at the On the Lot website, a contest/reality show for filmmakers, produced by Steven Spielberg, Mark Burnett, and Fox Network. It is a 5 minute short, called
"Hammer" with a 40 sec. intro by the director.