Harrison Brown is a filmmaker, improviser, and sketch comedian in Los Angeles. Harrison began doing comedy and improv in high school and created the popular cable access comedy/variety show called Road Closed. He has been studying and performing at the Upright Citizen Brigade Theatre since the Los Angeles theatre opened. He can currently been seen on the UCB Harold team, MacGuffin and on a UCB Maude team. Harrison is also a frequent performer and writer for Sketch Cram!
Harrison is currently in post production for the independent film The Treasure of Big Bear Mountain, in which he acted, co-directed, and co-edited with Justin Donaldson. The film is completely improvised with UCB performers. Harrison has also written several feature length screenplays. His work has been shown at film festivals across the country.
Harrison is also currently a videographer and editor for UCBComedy.com.
Jonathan Smith and Harrison are also co-founders of TNT: Tuesday Night Thunder, where UCB students and veterans can book stage time to bring improv thunder! He also co-hosts the TNT Jam! To learn more about TNT: Tuesday Night Thunder visit: www.myspace.com/tuesdaynightthunder
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